A non-profit initiative of the Permaculture Education Institute & Morag Gamble

Chapatti Recipe

by | November 23, 2023 | Permayouth | 0 comments


Roundabout 3 cups of plain flour

1 cup of warm water

Olive oil

Salt, to taste




1 – Add the water to the flour and mix to a soft and not sticky dough

2 – Knead well

3 – Form into a ball, cover and leave in the bowl at room temperature for at least 30 mins

4 – Divide the dough into ping-pong sized balls and roll out thinly

5 – Fry each chapatti in a heavy-based frying pan with olive oil and salt until it has brown bubbles and then flip and repeat on the other side


– I usually use olive oil, but you can use any kind of oil, such as sunflower oil, vegetable oil, etc

– Traditionally chapattis don’t have spices, but feel free to experiment! Just add them in when you mix the water with the flour.

– You can serve chapattis with curry, rice and yoghurt for an Indian meal, but in Uganda (where I heard about them), you just eat them straight from the pan.


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