A non-profit initiative of the Permaculture Education Institute & Morag Gamble


by | March 16, 2021 | Permayouth | 0 comments

Rolande is an amazing & passionate 18yo new permaculture teacher from Nakivale.

After finishing the Changemakers course with Bemeriki Bisimwa, she now wants to help teach & empower women and youth in refugee camps around Uganda with Bemeriki.

As a refugee from the DR Congo, she says the refugees – not only Nakivale, but in most refugee camps – have so many problems: not enough for fuel for cooking, shelter problems, only being able to cultivate one type of food, not knowing how to make their soil fertile & so many other hardships they have to endure every day.

That’s why she know permaculture will answer their problems.

Before the course, she was studying nutrition at high school to be a doctor. But now she feels like she’s at home more when she’s learning and teaching permaculture.

Rolande didn’t know what to expect when she took the course, but she loves permaculture more and more everyday.

She believes that if only everyone in the world knew permaculture & loved it, the world would be a peaceful place forever.


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