Meet the Mushroom King: permaculture teacher and Congolese refugee Bemeriki is inspiring the world

by | June 27, 2023 | Ethos Foundation, Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement | 0 comments

Check out this amazing film about permaculture, mushroom growing and the inspiring work of Congolese refugee Bemeriki.

We here at Ethos Foundation are so proud to have been a partner of Bemeriki’s work in the refugee settlements of Uganda for many years now.

This film is a beautiful and powerful story of what permaculture means in this context.

It how highlights the gentle leadership Bemeriki shows, and why he has been so successful in activating and inspiring so many others to join the permaculture movement, and step up as Permayouth leaders.

In fact, Permayouth landed in the refugee camps because of Bemeriki.

Bemeriki does however not get any support from agencies or the government.

His work is funded entirely by people like you, supporting people to people. The Ethos Foundation is a project of the Permaculture Education Institute – a registered charity we host to raise funds and send 100% of donations directly to Bemeriki and other projects inspired by his work.

Please can you help? You can make a donation here. Regular donations make all the difference.

The mushroom king Bemeriki

Bemeriki is currently planning to take permaculture to schools across Uganda and to a university campus.

He needs your help to share this free permaculture education and the development of resilient food gardens with 1000s of youth and women across Uganda.

Make a donation today.


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