Join me in this conversation with renowned author, blogger, podcaster, columnist and broadcaster, Manda Scott. We explore the need for a conscious...
Morag Gamble archive
Permaculture and Localization with Helena Norberg-Hodge
Join Morag Gamble in a deep-dive conversation with Helena Norberg-Hodge - internationally acclaimed localization advocate, filmmaker and author....
Music and Ecology with Amelie Ecology
This week I am joined by Dr Amelie Vanderstock (AKA Amelie Ecology) and get to share two of her amazzz-ing new songs from her debut album, 'Let's...
Sacred Activism with Cynthia Jurs
The most pressing question in these uncertain times may be how can we bring healing and protection to the Earth? Join me this episode the explore...
A Permaculture Refugee Story with Ansima Casinga Rolande
I'm delighted to welcome Ansima Casinga Rolande to this final episode of our International Women's Series. I've worked with Rolande for many years...
Activating Your Local Food Community with Helena Norberg-Hodge
Let’s explore how to activate a local food community to create positive change locally, while simultaneously creating big picture activism — acting locally and globally at the same time.
Foraging, Nature and Permaculture with Helen Lehndorf
Tune into this conversation as part of the International Women's Day Series with Helen Lehndorf as we share our deep relationship with nature -...
The Ultimate No-Dig Permaculture Gardening Guide
Learn how to set up and maintain your very own no-dig permaculture garden, along with Morag’s top 5 tips for keeping your no-dig garden thriving.
Community Gardens with Naomi Lacey
This episode is part of the Urban Agriculture Month series, so I'm speaking to the wonderful Naomi Lacey - permaculture community gardener and...
Grow It Local with Paul West
My guest this episode of the Urban Agriculture Series is Paul West - a legend in the gardening world - co-founder of Grow it Local with over 30,000...
Regenerative Landscape Design with Erik Ohlsen
A one-hour deep dive into regenerative landscape design with two leaders in this field – Erik Ohlsen and Morag Gamble.
Help needed to purchase solar-electric food drier for Rwamwanja Refugee Camp, Uganda
Can you help a local Ugandan refugee permaculture group save their organic mushroom glut and help feed refugees highly nutritious local food?
Meet the Mushroom King: permaculture teacher and Congolese refugee Bemeriki is inspiring the world
Check out this amazing film about permaculture, mushroom growing and the inspiring work of Congolese refugee Bemeriki. We here at Ethos Foundation...
The Economics of Happiness – film club discussion with Morag Gamble & Helena Norberg-Hodge
The Permaculture Film Club June 2023 session screened the iconic and award-winning documentary, The Economics of Happiness. The film spells out the...
Permaculture and Unschooling with Maia Raymond
How did an unschooled 16yo who grew up in a rural permaculture ecovillage get accepted into Australia’s #1 university?