A non-profit initiative of the Permaculture Education Institute & Morag Gamble

Global Permayouth Network — permaculture by youth, for youth

From refugee camps to ecovillages to cities all over the world, we are a global network of teenagers using permaculture to make positive change within our communities. Join us!

Vibrant [pr]activism for our future

We are a group of 11-17 year olds who want to do something positive in the world and believe permaculture is great way to do this.

We care about the planet. We care about the future. We care about humanity and all life.

We understand that we need to rapidly shift to one-planet-living, to regenerate and repair our environment and shift from a wasteful consumer culture to a circular, regenerative way of life.

Joining Permayouth is free and allows you to connect with like-minded young people from all walks of life and all areas of the globe.

Lulu Vierkoetter from Tanzania is a co-founder of the global Permayouth movement and an accredited permaculture designer.
Nakafeero Brenda, a Permayouth hub leader and educator in northern Uganda.

Current Permayouth projects

Permayouth learning centres

Permayouth home kitchen gardens

Permayouth music

Permayouth sanitary pads project

Permayouth murals

Permayouth events & festival

[pr]activism • visioning • music • poetry • art • film • garden tours

We regularly host free online events for youth into permaculture. We bring together great speakers, spark discussion, share music and art, take tours of youth gardens around the world, screen short permaculture films, and see what emerges.

Sign up below for event alerts, or watch past festival videos here.

The Permayouth team

We are youth who learn together — from each other and our mentors.

Our primary mentor is Morag Gamble, a global permaculture leader and founder of both the Permaculture Education Institute and the Ethos Foundation permaculture charity.

Together with the mentorship of Morag and other permaculture experts from around the world, we are learning about sustainability and regeneration that benefits all.

Some of the Permayouth founders with David Holmgren at Northey Street City Farm

Some of the Permayouth co-founders with David Holmgren, co-originator of permaculture.

Awards Permayouth has won

Youth In Permaculture Prize 2020 (Lulu in Tanzania & Nakafeero in Uganda)

Lush Spring Prize 2021 (shortlisted for Influencer Award)

Hildur Jackson Award 2021 (for regenerative best-practices in sustainability)

Youth In Permaculture Prize 2022 (Lulu in Tanzania & Brenda in Uganda)

Want to start your own Permayouth hub?

Permayouth is a myceliating network, online and in person.

We run online meetings and regular summits to connect and share with the world, while creating local hubs to practice (pr)activism in our communities – think global, act local.

Here are the 6 steps to launching your own local Permayouth chapter…

How to start a Permayouth hub

Latest blogs from Permayouth members

Workshop Success

Workshop Success

Long ago poetry was never written down, poems were composed, memorised, and performed, and heard orally. Poetry read aloud, experienced, and...

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Walking on Eggshells

Walking on Eggshells

Chickens can help the ecosystem create systems of abundance through their natural behaviours of scratching, pecking, hunting bugs, eating, and...

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Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Once Bitten, Twice Shy

In spring and summer, many reptiles emerge to bask in the sun. During this time you should take precautions to minimise the chance of encountering...

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When you hear the word fungi, the first thing that probably comes to your mind is mushrooms. The general misconception is “a fungus is only a...

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Just a little bit nutty

Just a little bit nutty

Bunya pine trees (Araucaria bidwilli) is a large tree growing 30-45 meters in height. It is a striking conifer native to the subtropical regions of...

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Bloomin’ Marvellous

Bloomin’ Marvellous

There are about 70 species of sunflowers.Their genus name is Helianthus (which comes from the Greek words for "sun" and “flower"). Environmental...

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Encouraging Frogs

Encouraging Frogs

Australian frog species have been dramatically declining since the 1980s. A frog habitat is an environment in which the frog feeds, shelters, and...

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Shoo, Cockatoo!

Shoo, Cockatoo!

When we first bought our property in the Noosa Hinterland, Queensland our property came with 7 magnificent Pecan Trees. The Pecan Trees came with...

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Permayouth podcast

Permayouth in the news


Permayouth in Zanzibar, Permaculture Magazine

Permayouth cofounder, Maia Raymond, shares the inspiring story of Lulu Vierkötter, and her work bringing permaculture to young people and the community.

Maia Raymond

Making Change: Teen Spirit, Pip Magazine

With a Permaculture Design Course completed at the age of 12, and a network of well-connected contacts, Maia Raymond is making the most of her experience to forge her own world-changing path. And it begins with the youth.

With thanks to our major partner

Permaculture Education Institute logos

And our sponsors & collaborators

Lush logo
Abundant Earth Foundation logo
Permaculture Magazine logo
Permafund logo
Permaculture Central Coast
Genoa Australia Global Ecovillage Network
Permaculture for Refugees