Cleaning the Oceans with Ben Moody

January 28, 2024



In this episode, I welcome Ben Moody to explore a systemic way of reversing plastic pollution – a young regenerative entrepreneur with a big vision to clean the seas. Tune in to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Youtube or any of your other podcast streaming platforms!

Through his innovative business, Seven Clean Seas, Ben Moody has managed to remove over 2 million kilograms of plastic from the ocean by working with a number of countries in Asia, engaging with communities to create positive local employment.

He and his partners buy plastic credits from companies – a way to create a systemic solution for plastic pollution. This plastic neutral idea pushes for plastic reduction, but allows places like medical industries who use necessary plastics to offset their impact by sponsoring Ben’s work of removing plastic already in the environment.

As Ben sees it, this is a systemic problem. We have to stop the flow of plastic as well as cleaning it up at the same time. And if we can positively engage the communities that are involved in this process, then impact start ups like Ben’s can really make a difference.

Check out Seven Clean Seas’ Instagram and Facebook!

This podcast is an initiative of the Permaculture Education Institute.

Our way of sharing our love for this planet and for life, is by teaching permaculture teachers who are locally adapting this around the world – finding ways to apply the planet care ethics of earth care, people care and fair share.

We teach permaculture teachers, host permaculture courses, host Our Permaculture Life YouTube, and offer free monthly film club and masterclass.

We broadcast from a solar powered studio in the midst of a permaculture ecovillage food forest on beautiful Gubbi Gubbi country. I acknowledge this is and always will be Aboriginal land, pay my respects to elders past and present, and extend my respect to indigenous cultures and knowledge systems across the planet.


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