Permaculture podcast

Join global permaculture ambassador Morag Gamble in podcast conversation with leading ecological thinkers, activists, authors, designers and practitioners.

Sense-Making in a Changing World

This podcast explores ‘what now’ — what thinking do we need to navigate a positive and regenerative way forward; what does a thriving one-planet way of life look like; where should we putting our energy.

In this changing world and in challenging times, we offer these voices of clarity and common sense.

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Living Democracy with Tim Hollo

Living Democracy with Tim Hollo

Welcome to this episode with Tim Hollo: author, musician, climate activist, community leader, Director of the The Green Institute, Founder of Green Music – a catalyst of many community initiatives.

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Rewilding with Claire Dunn

Rewilding with Claire Dunn

In this episode of Sense-making in a Changing World, I'm joined by best-selling author and educator, Claire Dunn, who currently resides in Naarm...

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