How to create your own ethical home-based business as a qualified permaculture teacher, and make a difference!

Cultivate a living from your permaculture skills while contributing to positive change and healing the planet. 

Grow an ethical enterprise by sharing practical permaculture solutions in your community and beyond.

Connect with an exciting international online learning community with world-class teacher, Morag Gamble.

What makes this training different from anything you have seen before?

  • We show why the need for permaculture teachers is higher now, more than ever.
  • We reveal in detail, strategies to get started in this inspiring and meaningful career as a permaculture teacher and ambassador.
  • We show permaculture in action. Hear and see how people have made permaculture teaching their life’s work and learn how you can too.
  • ​We highlight the enormous possibilities available to you as a permaculture teacher and consultant.
  • ​​We discuss how permaculture helps us go beyond sustainability to regeneration – to one-planet living – and contribute to the healing of the planet.
  • We share insights into what it really means to live a regenerative permaculture life – a ‘good life’!
  • We show how you can free up your life to become part of a new generation of permaculture teachers around the world.

Innovative ethical business that helps you grow a purposeful eco-enterprise, cultivate a living from permaculture teaching, contribute to positive change in the world, and connect with a positive and welcoming international online learning community.

I felt like I would stand right out because I am a complete newbie to the permie world, before starting the course I hadn’t planted a single seed nor thought about composting let alone considered designing food forests and kitchen gardens.

Naomi Cook, (RN, Energy Healer, Author, Founder of Project Starseed)

I am very impressed with Morag Gamble’s series of permaculture classes. Prior to beginning her class I had read over 35 books on permaculture. I had also looked at hundreds of videos on Youtube. Morag has answered all questions quickly and accurately. I would highly recommend her classes to anyone interested in permaculture or homesteading.

Jeffrey Loucks,

I have been fortunate to be involved in with learning Morag Gamble with masterclasses, the Incredible Edible Garden course, and now nearly completing the Permaculture Design Course portion before embarking on the Permaculture Teacher course. Its been a real privilege to learn from such a caring permaculture teacher. You just feel like every bit of effort is given to the student’s learning experience.

Jesse Becerra,


Copyright 2022