Permaculture Education Institute Open Day

Free on-demand event

Interested in exploring how permaculture can become your way of life and livelihood too? Join our virtual Open Day with Morag Gamble to explore courses, programs and career opportunities.

Discover ways to make permaculture your career

The need for permaculture educators, designers and practitioners is rapidly growing around the world. The possibilities to be part of real, practical and positive change are endless! Join us to learn about permaculture pathways for your life and livelihood…

Discover permaculture programs you can study online

Explore possibilities for teaching and making a living with permaculture

Speak directly with our founder, Morag Gamble

Meet past students doing incredible work across 6 continents

Ask questions & access free resources

The permaculture career possibilities are endless!

Our heartfelt commitment at the Permaculture Education Institute is to help people become skilled and confident permaculture educators however that might look.

With the skills in design and teaching, those studying with us are offering classes of all kinds to a wide range of people, including:

  • Urban and rural permaculture courses
  • Workshops about simple living at home
  • Refugee food security programs
  • Eco-literacy with schoolchildren
  • NGO up-skilling
  • University lecturing
  • Professional development for educators and designers
  • Transforming company approaches to regenerative practice.

Our core program, the Permaculture Educators Program, weaves together design and education in a comprehensive and practical way.

So, even before you have finished studying, you have an amazing design on a site of your choice, and you have started teaching your own locally-adapted permaculture program in the place you are, with the people you want to work with, in a way that makes local cultural sense.

Open Day schedule

Jump aboard a 30-minute recorded on-demand session (watch whenever suits you!) with our founder Morag Gamble for your chance to explore the following programs and resources.

Course walk-through

  • DESIGN & TEACH: Permaculture Educators Program (One Year Access. Learning & Support Community. Start anytime)
  • DESIGN: Permaculture Design Certificate (One Year Access. Start Anytime)
  • TEACH: 5 week Permaculture Teacher Certificate. (July-August 2025)
  • BUSINESS: 6-week permaculture business design lab (Novebmer-December 2024)
  • GROW: The Incredible Edible Garden – Online Permaculture Gardening Course (Lifetime Access. Start Anytime)
  • HIVE: Our global learning community
  • SHARE: Creating your permaculture presence with our Share Permaculture marketing workshops
  • ETHOS FELLOWSHIP: Linking young leaders with elders of the ecological movement
  • GIVE: Free permaculture education for refugee communities

Free events you can join

  • Monthly Permaculture Masterclasses
  • Monthly Permaculture Film Club

Free resources to help you upskill

  • Weekly Podcast: Sense-Making in a Changing World Podcast with leading thinkers
  • Our Permaculture Life Youtube
  • Our Permaculture Life Blog
  • Permaculture Festival of Ideas – May
  • World Localisation Month – June
  • Urban Agriculture Month – November
  • and more

+ Discover more about our most popular permaculture course

Design and TEACH Permaculture with Morag Gamble

Come along to the session to discover more about our most popular course, attended by people on 6 continents – the comprehensive online Permaculture Education Program, which weaves together…

  • Permaculture business modules
  • Global learning community
  • Regular live sessions

Our goal is to help you become an incredible permaculture educator and create a viable livelihood while making such a valuable contribution in the world. We know our beautiful home planet, all life, and all communities need more love and care [earth care. people care. fair share]


+ You get the chance to speak directly with Morag Gamble. Book a free appointment to chat 1:1 about the Permaculture Educators Program. Ask your questions directly.

About your Open Day host: Morag Gamble

Morag Gamble is an acclaimed permaculture educator who has been deeply involved in regenerative projects for 30 years on 6 continents. She is founder of the Permaculture Education Institute and the world-first Permaculture Educators Program.

Morag’s blog and YouTube channel include interviews with practitioners and storytellers from around the world, and her podcast Sense-Making in a Changing World features many ecological pioneers.

In all of her work, Morag explores how we can live more peacefully and simply so that we may thrive together on this beautiful blue planet.

About the Permaculture Education Institute

Based at Crystal Waters Ecovillage on Gubbi Gubbi Country in south-east Queensland, Australia, the Permaculture Education Institute is a hub for teaching permaculture teachers worldwide.

Led by Morag Gamble, the Institute teachers permaculture designers, teachers and community activators around the world through the Permaculture Educators Program and permaculture extension programs.

The Institute hosts regular global conversations exploring one-planet living and earth restoration through film, podcasts, masterclasses and discussion forums.

We love regularly opening our doors so you can see what we do here. Ask us anything, find out what’s on offer — courses and free stuff — and how you can get involved, and meet people who are part of our programs.

Best of all, you’ll get to see some amazing things people are creating — in their homes, communities and workplaces.

We look forward to meeting you during our Open Day.