Caring for People and Planet with Christie Wilson

October 25, 2023


In this episode, I have the pleasure to chat with my dear friend and collaborator,  Christie Wilson. Christie is a clinical psychotherapist, climate activist and facilitator, working with people at the frontlines of the climate emergency.

She wrote the Extinction Rebellion’s Regenerative Culture Handbook, and has co-authored a recently published journal article on ‘How to Become a Climate-Aware Counsellor: Supporting Ourselves, Clients and Communities‘. Hosting events with Psychology For a Safe Climate, organising for Extinction Rebellion, and serving on the boards of the Anthropocene Transition Network and the Green Law Network, Christie is an amazing advocate for regenerative culture and finding our wellbeing in connection with nature.

Together, Christie and I created a permaculture series of conversations with Global XR that continued to ripple out in this conversation. We touched deeply on how it feels to be alive today, knowing what’s going on around us and finding the courage to continue to show up while taking care of our personal wellbeing.

You can listen to this episode on Youtube and through any of your preferred podcast platforms – Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and more.


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