A Permaculture Refugee Story with Ansima Casinga Rolande

March 22, 2024


I’m delighted to welcome Ansima Casinga Rolande to this final episode of our International Women’s Series. I’ve worked with Rolande for many years now and I can truly say that she is one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met.

Rolande is from the Democratic Republic of Congo and is living currently in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda. In this episode, she shares her story of how she came to be in Nakivale Refugee Settlement, the challenges of life in a refugee camp and how she started to make a difference.

After taking the Permaculture Education Institute‘s Permaculture Design and Teaching Course, Rolande has been working hard to integrate permaculture into the camp – for healthy food, for livelihoods, for environmental restoration, for women and youth, for peace and for hope. From women’s menstrual health to helping young artists in the camp, Rolande is empowering women and youth by providing education, livelihoods, and a sense of purpose.

Rolande’s work wouldn’t be possible without the kind donations of people like you. The Ethos Foundation is a registered charity and sends 100% of all donations towards programs like Rolande’s and supports free permaculture education for refugees, with direct impact where it is needed most. If you can make a donation, it is deeply appreciated, supporting life-changing permaculture programs led by local people in 10 refugee settlements across Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.

Another way to support Ethos Foundation initiatives is to attend the Permaculture Education Institute’s free, online events and donate at registration – this also goes 100% towards programs.

To buy a reusable sanitary pack for a young woman in a refugee settlement and support sustainable menstrual health, visit this page.

To commission a Nakivart artwork of your own and support young artists in Nakivale to make a livelihood doing what they love, visit this page.

Tune in on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Youtube or any of your preferred podcast platforms.




Join me to learn more about permaculture. Come and explore the many free permaculture resources my Our Permaculture Life Youtube channel. This podcast is an initiative of the Permaculture Education Institute.

The world needs more permaculture teachers everywhere – local teachers share local ways for one planet living. Let’s work toward a climate-safe future through design, resilience and connection. For you that may be through film and story, kids clubs, workplace education, or hands-in the earth. Whatever the way that moves you to speak up and share, I wholeheartedly encourage.

If that inspires you, I invite you to join the Permaculture Educators Program with others from 6 continents to explore what that might look like and how you can make the change. This is a comprehensive online course that includes the Permaculture Design Certificate and the only online Permaculture Teacher Certificate anywhere. We are a global learning community. People all over the world encourage you to be the change you want to see in the world.


If your main interest is getting a thriving and abundant food garden set up, then take a look at my online permaculture gardening course: The Incredible Edible Garden.

Much love


I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which I live and work – the Gubbi Gubbi people. And I pay my respects to their elders past present and emerging.


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