Regenerative Landscape Design with Erik Ohlsen

November 13, 2023


Regenerative landscape design with Erik Ohlsen

A one-hour free masterclass deep dive into regenerative landscape design with two leaders in this field – Erik Ohlsen and Morag Gamble. Erik shared his latest insights and key tips about regenerative design followed by a conversation between Morag and Erik.

Erik is a master of regenerative design, an internationally recognised permaculture teacher, a landscape contractor, an author, farmer, herbalist, storyteller, and practitioner of Nordic folk traditions.

Since 1999, Erik has founded numerous organisations that regenerate ecosystems including his award-winning design and build firm Permaculture Artisans and The Permaculture Skills Center sharing ecological landscaping and regenerative agriculture with thousands.

Erik has committed decades to repairing ecosystems and connecting people with the land throughout the globe and has designed and implemented hundreds of regenerated landscapes ranging from small urban lots to large tracts of land.

He is a specialist in water harvesting systems, food forest design, community organizing, education, and much more. In all his work, he promotes social equity, climate justice, and ecosystem restoration.

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Erik’s new book

Erik has released a masterpiece – his latest book THE REGENERATIVE LANDSCAPER: DESIGN AND BUILD LANDSCAPES THAT REPAIR THE ENVIRONMENT, published by the amazing Synergetic Press.

The book is described as: “An awe-inspiring guide that weaves together permaculture design, food resiliency, climate adaptation, community organizing, and indigenous wisdom that you can implement in your own backyard.”


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