Using Permaculture to Repair Soil, Grow Great Food and Drawdown Carbon

by | October 13, 2019 | Permaculture Gardening, Permaculture Masterclass | 0 comments

Soil repair as climate activism

Join me — Morag Gamble — for this in-depth one-hour free masterclass on how to repair the soil, grow great food and drawdown carbon — a positive climate action?

In this session, we’ll explore permaculture approaches to storing carbon in the soil, focusing particularly on the household and community scale, but also touching on regenerative agriculture strategies.

You will learn:

  • How to make soil repair a priority
  • Why focus on perennials
  • Methods of least disturbance
  • How to cover and protect the soil
  • Feeding your garden biochar
  • The importance of adding compost (a whole range of different types)
  • No-dig gardening
  • Supporting regenerative farmers
  • Teaching and sharing permaculture
  • And heaps more!


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